Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Hand-in Day Antics

Monday came and the pressure to get the film finished for 5.00pm was high, it almost felt like we were on a task on the Apprentice lol. We were at a fairly comfortable stage Monday morning actually, we just needed to edit the final premier file, add sounds, touch things up, credits, and finally create our beloved DVD. We also had high hopes for an extras section on the DVD which would contain alot of funny footage shot by ourselves over the last 9 weeks, call it "the making of", if you will!

So the day begun by me sorting out Alecs mess of the "why are you just sitting there" scene. I then helped him with countless other errors he hade made before we all began editing the final premier film, with all scenes imported. We rented out the sound hard drive from the college shop, and used it for one sound! lol A broom sweeping sound for Mcglone. Once we were happy with the film and all the audio, we switched the default frame blend off in premier, as it was ruining our stop mo frame by frame animation.

We then set out to do something we've been waiting all term to do - destroy the cage! It was a symbol that the project was complete! It was a really nice day so Tom filmed us on his camera mucking about outside, we did several funny takes of destroying the cage, the funniet being Alec setting it up as if we were about to shoot our live action footage when I trip and crush it on film lol after which alot of swearing follows. We had a real laugh doing the extras and it felt good to have the weight of the project almost off our shoulders.

We then imorted all of Toms extras footage off his camera and made ashort montage of extras for the DVD. exported that as an mov. and that was ready to go.

Time was running out now, by this time it was like 4.00pm and we were sorting out our concept work slideshows for the DVD. Alec had brought in his laptop with Adobe Encore software to create the "DVD of our dreams". I have to say the software is awesome, and was recommended by Dan Dali. Apparently we will use it in the 3rd term to make our showreels so we now have some basic knowledge of how to use it.

Finally after all the menu's were sorted out, and every page linked back to the previous, with all buttons working - we burned the DVDs (5.45pm). Handed them into Jared (6.00pm) and that was that! FINISHED! Just on time. ahhhhhhhhhhh what a relief. Then me Alec, Grigsby, Yaniv and Stewart went for a well deserved pint and a curry!

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