Thursday, 12 March 2009

Finally a Productive Day

Yesterday was pants in the fact that I got actually NOTHING done. We had PPD for most of the day which was a really good session but it couldn't of come at a worse time because we have so much to do! lol.

So today I had to make up for it. I started the day by rendering the beautiful ladies speech scene which Alec had so kindly tidied up for me last night. Once that was done, I composited it, edited and exported as AVI.

Next up I went through all of the dialogue recordings Dave did for us to find the ones we had lost on Alecs HD. We were lucky because Tom had backed them up unexpectadly shortly before the disaster happened. I re edited the sounds and matched them up with the characters lip syncs.

I then photoshopped the final scenes stop mo photos only to find it hadn't been lost on the hard drive so that was a waste of time.

I then animated the final scene in which Cornelius jumps with glee because he's free, then he huffs as the cage comes down trapping him with sweeping Mcglone. I rendered this as it was at the end of the day to see how it was looking and to judge the animation as maya was lagging big time. I was 70% happy with it. I am going to touch it up more and make the fall of the jump not so quick and jerked.

Then me and Alec finalised the design for the DVD menu which was grand.

A very productive day. Unfortunately Gareths project has taken the backseat bigtime lately because I love this one so much. The deadline for his is tommorow and I have a fairly final edit with sound ready. I want to edit it slightly and add a couple of titles tommorow before I hand it in. Other than that I did my best with it. I found it hard to juggle both projects, especially when your really passionate about one and you know it will eventually appear on your show reel. I have enjoyed Gareths alot, I just wish I had more time for it, as I know I could have done better.


  1. "Unfortunately Gareths project has taken the backseat bigtime lately " you arent the only one man .Had no choice , otherwise i'd be pushing out two shoddy bits of work.I'd rather work the best i can (within reason) on one project more so than the other and being happy with it, than work on both , and not being able to put as much effort as i want into them.

  2. yeah man i totally agree. Plus which ones going on our show reel? I u we know the answer lol

  3. Dan, e-mail me your e-mail address you used for your blog to so I can add you as an author to our Bare Bear blog,
