Thursday, 12 March 2009


As you probably gathered from the title of this post - the DVD menu design is complete. Me and Alec spent a good couple of hours yesterday trying out different possible layouts/designs and got nowhere. We didn't like anything we came up with, and somehow ended up with a shitty twig boarder thing - It was AWFUL! I'm not even going to post up the previous designs as they're THAT bad, plus we didn't save them, because, they were THAT bad.
So today I scanned in my concept work for the 2D section of our DVD, as I had previously taken photo's and the quality was terrible. We soon noticed the difference and decided to have another go at the menu today, this time sticking with our original sketch idea. We bunged our favourite concept sketch of William on the canvas and knew straight away it was going to work. I wanted to have a sketchy font style off the net and Alec agreed but added the finishing touch by doubling up the text layers, changing them to the light blue pencil coulour I had used for my construction lines on William, lower the opacity, angle them, and add a awind filter to get the grainy crayon effect. It looks AWESOME. Simple is always best. We accomplished this is about 20 mins apposed to the 2 hours yesterday! Now to actually make the DVD!....

Note: the quality and colour has been lost on this blog upload, however the actual Menu is much better.

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